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G20 Health Ministers Call for Building Resilient, Equitable Access to Affordable Medicines in Developing World

The G20 members committed to tackling AMR (antimicrobial resistance) comprehensively following the One Health approach through strengthening multi-sectoral governance, coordination; research and development (R&D); infection prevention and control (IPC); water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH); improving awareness of AMR; promoting responsible use of antimicrobials, including preserving the existing therapeutics across humans, animals and plant sectors through antimicrobial stewardshipThe G20 members committed to tackling AMR (antimicrobial resistance) comprehensively following the One Health approach through strengthening multi-sectoral governance, coordination; research and development (R&D); infection prevention and control (IPC); water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH); improving awareness of AMR; promoting responsible use of antimicrobials, including preserving the existing therapeutics across humans, animals and plant sectors through antimicrobial stewardship

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